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In Mexico, according to preliminary data from the General Directorate of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Health, the rate of maternal deaths has decreased by 18 percent in just one year.


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Despite this, cases of medical malpractice that result in the deaths of women in childbirth continue to occur. This is the case of Claudia Yamileth, who lost her life last Saturday, June 29, due to medical malpractice at the Hospital de la Mujer in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua.


How did the events occur?

Claudia Yamileth Gutiérrez Gómez, only 19 years old, entered the Hospital de la Mujer on Friday, June 28, since her pregnancy was full term.

A short time later, the now deceased told her family that she wanted to leave that hospital because she was allegedly a victim of obstetric violence.

Hospital staff refused to let him leave until a total of 4 thousand pesos were paid for the medical expenses he incurred.

According to Claudia’s sister, Arleth Gutiérrez, it is indicated that on Saturday the hospital released Claudia, who was taken to another clinic in the area, where upon entering Claudia was informed that her baby, who would be named Regina, had died due to the bad practices to which she was subjected shortly before; to the point of bursting her water which would cause the death of the baby; this last was indicated by Claudia’s sister, who told her this when she was taking her on the way to the other clinic.

Later, the Santa María clinic denied medical attention to Claudia due to lack of necessary medical equipment and the patient was re-admitted to the Women’s Hospital, where she would die hours later.

“When I arrived at the hospital, they still left me outside for about 20 minutes and many doctors just spoke to me and told me that my sister had already passed away, nothing more,” said Arleth.


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Claudia’s family seeks support from CEDH

In order not to leave the case unpunished and to seek to raise awareness among more women to report, Arleth Gutiérrez filed a complaint with the State Commission on Human Rights, with the support of Paola Benítez, president of the GAMAE association, which seeks to raise awareness of maternal death.

For his part, Rogelio Covarrubias Gil Lamadrid, medical director of the Northern Health Zone of Chihuahua, said that “it is a statement that would have to be proven, the situation of negligence on the part of our hospital, the Women’s Hospital, would have to be demonstrated.”

She also added that there is “documentary evidence that the protocols, treatment guidelines and intra-hospital policies were followed.”

The case is still open, Arleth maintains that her sister’s death was derived from the bad medical practices to which she was subjected, she also commented “They already took my sister from me, what can I do, nothing more than raise my voice for other women before this happens to them.”


Let us know your case

If you or someone in your family has suffered a case of medical malpractice, contact us. At LEX & CO we are medical malpractice lawyers and we will gladly assist you if you contact us through the form, WhatsApp button, email firma.lex.co@gmail.com or call us at 5568401076 and tell us your case.


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