Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos

According to the National Institute of Statistics and Geography, INEGI, during the year 2022, 25,041 fetal deaths were recorded in Mexico, that is, a national rate of 72.2 per 100 thousand women of childbearing age. In addition, these data represent an increase of 8% compared to 2021, when the figure was 23 thousand. Of the unfortunate deaths, 83.2% occurred before delivery and 15.3% during delivery.


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In many cases, affected women have reported that the medical care they received during their pregnancy and at the time of childbirth has been inadequate. In fact, public health specialists point out that fetal deaths are indicators of the quality of medical care, and that access to health services is insufficient for the population.


Inefficient health services

Throughout the country, voices have been heard complaining about the lack of health services, medications not supplied by public institutions, extreme slowness in the processes to provide medical care, lack of personnel and inefficient bureaucratic processes.

In addition to this, it has been reported that in many of the public hospitals where pregnant women are treated, conditions are not optimal. For example, at the Gynecology and Obstetrics Hospital located in the Gustavo A. Madero mayor’s office, there are no good hygiene protocols, the examination tables are dirty and the wheelchairs are in poor condition.


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In other public hospitals where pregnant women are cared for, the conditions are not optimal: in the Gynecology and Obstetrics Hospital, located in the Gustavo A. Madero mayor’s office, there is no good hygiene, the stretchers where women are examined are dirty and The wheelchairs are in poor condition.

For its part, at the Hospital de la Raza, the elevators do not work well and the lines for care are very long, so not all patients receive the timely care they need. At the Gynecology and Obstetrics Hospital number 4 ‘Luis Castelazo Ayala’, the lack of maintenance is evident, and affects the operation of even the basic devices for measuring pressure.


Why does medical negligence cause fetal deaths?

Statistically, more than 40% of fetal deaths occur during childbirth. The most common causes are lack of oxygen, obstructions caused by the placenta and related complications that can be avoided by acting in time with basic interventions such as assisted delivery or emergency cesarean section.

Improving the health system, the quality of prenatal care and during childbirth, and ensuring that public hospitals have medications, equipment, supplies and sufficient personnel are essential actions to prevent fetal deaths.


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