Tiempo de lectura: 4 minutos

An employment relationship involves the employer and the employee, both have reciprocal rights and obligations that are usually stipulated in a contract or by a prior agreement, which establishes the work to be performed, remuneration, working hours, benefits, among other information.

The relationship may end by voluntary resignation, termination or unjustified dismissal, and when an employee is faced with the latter situation, he/she probably does not know how to act.

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Steps to sue for unjustified dismissal

The Political Constitution of the United Mexican States protects workers against unjustified dismissal. If this is your case, follow these steps:

Step 1. Go to the Conciliation and Arbitration Board

Either state or federal, depending on your place of employment, you must go to the Conciliation and Arbitration Board to file a record; there you will be assigned a public defender and a date for the first hearing between you and your former employer.

Step 2. Contact an attorney who specializes in labor law.

If you use a court-appointed attorney, the process can be slow and drag on for several months (even years), so it is best to hire an attorney who specializes in labor law to file a labor lawsuit for wrongful termination to obtain justice. The lawsuit can be filed the day after the termination occurred, or within two months thereafter.

Step 3. Present your evidence

At the trial, both parties must present all the evidence for the Board to determine through an award whether the dismissal was justified or not, and to rule on the action that the worker has requested.


In the trial, the Board, considering the circumstances of the case, the applicable labor legislation and the evidence offered by the parties, will determine by means of an award whether the dismissal was unjustified or not, and will decide on the reinstatement or indemnification, depending on the action that the employee has exercised.

If reinstatement is established, the employer must pay the wages due since the date of the dismissal, with a maximum period of twelve months thereafter. And if this period ends without the process having been concluded, the employee will be paid the interest generated on the amount of 15 months of salary, at a rate of 2 percent per month.

When to file a lawsuit for unjustified dismissal?

In the event of a dismissal without a reason recognized by Law, the employee has the right to file a lawsuit for unjustified dismissal and request to be reinstated in his position with the same terms.
In addition, he/she has the right to have his/her seniority recognized during the duration of the lawsuit, to be considered for a promotion, to receive back wages from the date of dismissal until reinstatement to work and to the payment of contributions to the retirement savings system.

The lawsuit for unjustified dismissal also contemplates a severance payment which includes the payment of three months of salary for constitutional indemnity, seniority premium, proportional part of Christmas bonus, vacation premium and benefits that have not been paid.

All these rights are set forth in the Federal Labor Law (LFT), Articles 48, 87, 79, 80 and 162. After a dismissal without justification established in such Law, the employee has a term of two months from the day following the day in which it occurred to file a lawsuit, in accordance with Article 518 of the Federal Labor Law.

What is unjustified dismissal?

Regardless of the contract and the company’s internal regulations, the Federal Labor Law defines some causes of termination for which the employer may terminate the employment relationship in a justified manner and without liability for the employer:

An unjustified dismissal is considered to be the termination of the labor relationship by the will of the employer without a justifiable cause, for example, an employee who is not liked by the employer, the implementation of machinery that replaces the employee’s work, among others that are not provided for in the Federal Labor Law.

Also, if the employee was not notified with a notice of termination issued personally to the worker, or through the Conciliation and Arbitration Board, it is considered an unjustified dismissal.

If this has been your case, you may exercise your right to sue before the Conciliation and Arbitration Board for unjustified dismissal, requesting reinstatement in your former position, or a severance payment.

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Severance pay for unjustified dismissal

Now, for many workers it is uncomfortable to return to their position after an unjustified dismissal, so severance pay is the most requested alternative. In this case, it is possible to request the payment of:

If you have been unjustifiably dismissed, you are not alone! At LEX & CO we are labor lawyers, experts in labor law and we can help you. Call us at 5568401076, write us through our contact form or WhatsApp and tell us about your case.

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